Day 14-ish

Time taken: 2am


Just a quick check-in here.

This past week had been incredibly busy for me. With the Chinese New Year holiday, I had to fit in extra grocery shopping in my already overbooked schedule for this week.

On the brighter side, I felt pretty good in general. Even giddy! You know how doctors, books on mental health, your fitness instructors, all sorts of wellness magazines, and basically every mental-health related advice tells you to stay physically active? Well, that seems to be definitely true in my case. I had to be on my feet all day on Wednesday and Thursday, and definitely moved around a lot more in general this week. It is Sunday night here, and I am happy to report that I am giddy enough that I feel motivated to plan next week and get even get a head start on next week’s to-do list right now. And much less anxious that I was able to eat with people without feeling guilty! I do not enjoy eating out, especially with other people, because there tends to be limited choices that meets everyone’s budget and preferences, and it usually ends up being high-calorie, high sugar/salt/saturated fat options. I have a complicated relationship with food, and such situation makes me anxious. I promise, a post dedicated to this story is coming very soon.

Anyhow, my prefemin intake has been less than regular. I think I took it twice this week. I skipped a day by mistake, and I was already in bed by the time I remembered I hadn’t taken it for few days. And you know what I noticed? I think my skin started to clear up in the few days that I skipped, and then zits started to show up again once I started taking it again. I am exactly right in the middle of my cycle, and I am expecting PMS in about a week – 10 days or so. Not sure if I will stick it out.. the forehead zits are starting to get a little out of control.


Perceived Level of Emotional State (1-10)

Day 14ish  : 6.5- 7*

*The most stable and, dare I say, positive week I’ve head in a long time!

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